It just takes a little bit

Posted on February 3, 2016

happy walkers

So I woke up this morning, feeling tired and little bit under the weather. The thought of exercise was the last thing on my mind. But, a little bit of guilt took over. So I decided to pull out a Leslie Sansone Walking DVD to do. This is an easy walking workout and it only took about 10 minutes for me to feel happy and energized.

I wouldn’t have considered such a workout a few years ago, thinking it was too easy and therefore not worth my time. Today, this workout was just the thing to get me up and moving. Leslie is so sweet and goofy, I can’t help but smile when I do this workout.

It also got me thinking how this lesson applies to life. Sometimes, it does just take a little bit of something to make a change. What do you think?

Image of Happy Walkers is from Leslie Sansone Walking Videos. πŸ™‚