Browsing All posts tagged under »online presence«

It is “BearTime”

February 23, 2022


Sir Oliver, Sir Angus and Toby are very concerned about their beloved Queen’s health after hearing that she tested positive for COVID. They wish they were back home so they could cheer her up! They decided that the second best thing would be to post this photo on Nancy’s blog and hope that it goes […]

Social media faux pas

April 4, 2018


Okay, so social media is here to stay. But it seems it is degenerating into quick hits. A few recent experiences got me thinking about how little thought we put into what we say on social media. 1. Why connect. I’m a big LinkedIn user, since it is more for professional use. I am always […]

Hangin’ out with Google

August 19, 2015


Do you hang out? I don’t think I ever just hung out, even when I was a teenager. Unless you count quietly reading a book all afternoon. I could never see the point of just sitting and doing nothing, even if I was in the company of good friends. Google, which will soon take over […]

One space or two?

April 22, 2015


I don’t know if you’ve been keeping up to date on the latest controversy. No, it’s not about the Boston Marathon Bombings or Obamacare or Hillary Clinton, it’s about whether or not you should have one space or two spaces after the end of sentence. Okay, so maybe I spend a little too much time […]

A fun time at WordCamp Providence

August 21, 2013


Have you ever been to a WordCamp? If not, you should go. I love WordPress and I love learning new things about it. I’ve been fortunate to attend WordCamps in Boston and New York. This year’s WordCamp Boston isn’t until October, so I was excited to find out about WordCamp Providence would be held August […]

What’s in a name?

February 20, 2013


For marketing and branding, a good name is key. The name of a product, service or company should reflect the essence of it. As a marketing person, I should be quite creative right? This is true most of the time, but I’m stuck on thinking of a catchy name for my new fitness and health […]

The Internet – too much of a good thing

August 15, 2012


Knowledge is power and making an informed decision requires information. That’s what the Internet is for, right? I agree, with some reservations. I have been having lots of pain in my right hip and it’s getting worse, not better. This is in spite of resting it, which has been driving me crazy, since I love […]

Unexpected benefits of blogging

August 2, 2012


Why blog? For me, the reasons are many: to improve my writing, to create an effective online presence, to learn more about technology, to add structure to my life. And the list goes on. Blogging is also about connecting with others. This came true for me in a very special way recently when I reconnected […]

3 big marketing mistakes and how to fix them

July 19, 2012


Popular advice in social media is to “fail fast, try again and fail forward.” I take issue with this statement. First impressions count and if you’ve made a bad first impression, it’s very hard to correct that. Some recent marketing mistakes brought this home to me. Here are 3 big marketing mistakes that you should […]

Why I don’t like Google plus

May 17, 2012


I started out to write a blog post about “How to Use Google +” but I got sidetracked. As a person who loves technology and who wants to stay current with the latest trends, I dutifully signed up for Google + when it was still in its beta stage. I then promptly forgot about it. […]