Mr. Ken’s latest project

Posted on April 21, 2021

So I come home from a walk the other day and I noticed a rather large box sitting in our front steps. Mmm, it kind of looks like a box that a refrigerator would come in, but I don’t think Mr. Ken ordered a new one.

large mystery box

As I come inside, Mr. Ken excitedly tells me that the new grill has arrived. I’m thinking all he needs to do is take it out of the box, but no, Mr. Ken likes a challenge. The pieces of the grill have arrived, all artfully packaged in the big box outside. Mr. Ken says the box is very heavy and looks hopefully at me. For those of you who are married a long time, you know that look. It’s the “can you help me with this” look. All well and good except I have torn my right rotator cuff and can barely lift my arm. Any help I can offer is of the verbal kind.

Mr. Ken sighs and proceeds to open the box and move the grill pieces into our garage. This takes some time since he can only move a few pieces at a time.

After some time has passed, I now hear lots of banging and talking in the garage. I open the hallway door that leads to our garage and this scene greets me:

grill pieces

Normally, I would be a bit nervous about this scene, but knowing how handy Mr. Ken is, I just let it be.

A few hours go by and my email dings and it is Mr. Ken, proudly sharing a picture of the completed grill. Except he said he had a few pieces left over. Oops. He claims, and I believe him, that he read and followed the directions very carefully and used every piece that the directions said to use.

new assembled grill

Now it is time to test out the grill. There is nothing like a nice grilled steak!

What projects have you worked on lately?

Image of refrigerator box is from India Mart. Images of grill are thanks to Mr. Ken’s smartphone. 🙂