Hang in there!

Posted on January 20, 2021

It has almost been year since we’ve lived with COVID. And the news just keeps getting worse; new super-transmittable COVID strain, not enough vaccine, civil unrest. When will it all end?

This is a public service message from your friends in Boston. Hang in there guys! This, too, shall pass. I’ve been seeing encouraging signs all around my town. One of my favorites says, “Be boring today (and wear a mask), so you can celebrate in the future.”

A few ways to help you get through:

  • Live in the moment and try not to think about the future. Enjoy the here and now.
  • Celebrate your friends and family
  • Be grateful for what you have and try not to think about what you don’t have or what you lost.
  • Find something to smile about every day.

I thought this picture of our “guys” will make you smile. Sir Angus, Toby and Sir Oliver are sending you happy thoughts. Here they are, posing with their q-tip swabs. They heard about the COVID testing and they wanted to see what it was all about.

Sending all my blogging friends happy and healing thoughts. We are all in this together and we WILL get through this.

I’d love to hear how you are hanging in there.