The London adventure -Part 1

Posted on September 18, 2019

We just came back from a fabulous two weeks in London. I have a new favorite city! The history, the culture, the people – I loved it all. If I were 30 years younger, I would seriously consider moving there for a few years.

And so the adventure begins.

knmari packing

1. Let’s talk about packing, shall we?

I will be the first to admit, I am not a great packer. I tend to overpack. Well, after reading horror stories about lost luggage and all of that, I decided I was going to change my ways.

Can someone say, “konmari?” Say what? This is a way of packing, made famous by the adorable Marie Kondo, of the “thank your belongings for being there for you” fame.

I amazed myself! I managed to fit two weeks of clothes into a carry on luggage! Even Mr. Ken didn’t believe it.

And, I didn’t really have to unpack when I got to London, since everything was very clearly laid out. I’m a convert.

When I have more energy, I am going to rearrange all my drawers in this way.

fish and chips pub style

2. Fish and chips.

What visit to England would be complete without pub-style fish and chips. Normally, me as the super-healthy eater, wouldn’t go within 100 miles of a chip (or as we Americans say, a French fry). I actually had this dish twice while in London! And I lived to tell about it.

Prince Albert Memorial

3. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

I tried, I really did, to read up on English history before I left for London. I stopped after Henry IV, or was it Edward II? Those kings keep changing their names. Mr. Ken and I learned a lot about Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert. It was hard not to, since Kensington Palace has a special exhibit on them. We also visited the Victoria and Albert Museum. And it was hard to ignore the golden Albert Memorial, erected by a heart-broken Queen Victoria after her beloved Prince Albert died.

nancy and ken at oxford

4. You don’t know old.

We also took a day trip out of London to visit the town of Oxford. Oxford University is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and the world’s second-oldest university in continuous operation after the University of Bologna. There is even evidence of teaching as early as 1096. Now that’s old!

Who knew that Oxford University is made up of 39 colleges.

For those Harry Potter fans, the Bodleian Library is better know as the Hogwarts Library. This picture is taken in the library. It is the largest library in Britain, after the British Library. It is named after its founder, Thomas Bodley.

Stay tuned for more London adventures.