10 Quick and Easy Content Ideas

Posted on March 28, 2012

10 quick and easy content tips

Even the most creative among us get writer’s block sometimes. Effective marketing is all about creating valuable and interesting content. Here are some quick ideas to jump start your content marketing.

1. First and foremost, mix things up!
If you usually write something, do a video instead. If the thought of filming a video leaves you tongue-tied, share a video that someone else has done. Just make sure it’s okay to share it and always credit the source of the video. Creators love a link back to their original content.

Make it short and to the point though – 2 to 3 minutes max.

Over 65% of adults are visual people, meaning they prefer to consume content by seeing, not reading. I must admit that I am in the minority and have no patience for watching videos, even short ones. I do make an exception for Zumba dance routines though. This is my late afternoon work break fix. Hah, for fun, I could post a video clip of me doing Zumba in my home office! Now that would be good for a few laughs.

2. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Why not devote posts to just photographs?

Since cameras are built in to most smart phones, this one is a snap. Unless of course you are photographically challenged like me and manage to always photograph the ground or the sky instead of the subject.

3. Tips on how to do something in your field.
This will help position you as an expert in your industry.

4. News.
Aggregate some interesting news stories and share your thoughts on them. Provide a unique perspective.

5. Events.
Write about events you’ve attended, and/or provide a list of interesting events. Sure there are plenty of applications out there that do this, but who has time to read all of these?

6. Product reviews.
I like this idea, except most of my product reviews have to do with exercise dvds and other fitness-related stuff, which is not the topic of my blog. Mmm, maybe I should start a fitness blog?

7. Presentations you have given.
This is a perfect way to re-position content.

8. Frequently asked questions.
What questions do you get asked over and over again? What interesting questions have your customers posed to you? If one person has the question, chances are, many others are thinking the same thing.

9. Interviews with employees or customers or key players in your field.
Not only with this give you some fresh content, it will also provide a different perspective for your readers.

10. Share data on key trends.
Okay so this one may take a bit more work, but you will also learn something in the process.

What other ideas do you have for quick content tips?

Photo is courtesy of HA! Designs’ Flickr photostream, under Creative Commons Licensing.