How to put your content online

Posted on March 23, 2010

put content online


The Internet choices are overwhelming and it’s hard to know where to start. Here are some suggestions to get you started on putting your content online.


1. Participate in Forums.

LinkedIn Question & Answer is a great place to start. Also, try LinkedIn groups or other forums in your industry. Answer questions in your area of expertise. Make sure you answer the question; don’t promote yourself or your company. People see right through that. Don’t just say, “I agree with the previous poster.” This adds no value.

Do a search of questions asked before your pose your own question. Your question may have already been answered.

I used this approach recently when I was trying to figure out the best way to format links in a blog post, e.g. should they open in a new window or in the same window?

Not only did I get great answers listing pros and cons of both ways, but I made some new connections in the process.

2. Blog.

If you love to write, start a blog. If that’s too much for you, spend time finding blogs in your area of expertise and write frequent, thoughtful comments. Or, you could be a guest blogger.

I started out as a guest blogger for the Downtown Women’s Club blog.

3. Use Twitter.

Before you jump on the Twitter bandwagon, spend time on the site to see how it’s used. Don’t use it for self-promotion, but use it to share interesting content. Don’t post too frequently, hourly updates will impress no one.

4. Write reviews on

Read books in your area of expertise and write reviews on You need to register on to do this. You can create a profile, with links and a brief summary of your background. is the #20 ranked website, according to Alexa. Your reviews will show up when someone Googles you. For example, here’s my Amazon profile.

I have also successfully used this tactic. My two passions are technology and fitness, so I review the latest business books, as well as fitness DVDs.

5. Create a video and post to YouTube or on a blog.

Your video could be as simple as you giving a brief talk on how to do something. As with anything online, make it interesting. Think about your target audience. You can make it fun, but keep in mind, “what goes online, stays online forever.”

I must admit that I haven’t yet tried this. I have enough trouble trying to take pictures with a camera. My photos end up as pitcures of the sky or the ground, instead of scenery.

6. Post photos on

If you’re a creative type, post your work on

Keep producing content. Like any activity, the more the you do it, the easier and more natural it becomes.